Вот пример из AwardPhoenix BIOS: _F000:3C52

Вот пример из AwardPhoenix BIOS:

_F000:3C52                   ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
_F000:3C52                   ; Stack Less version
_F000:3C52                   SIO_port_setup_SL proc near                                 ; CODE XREF: SIO_port_setup_S+5j
_F000:3C52                                                                               ; ReadSIO_SL+3j ...
_F000:3C52 8B C8                             mov     cx, ax
_F000:3C54 2E 8B 16 49 71                    mov     dx, cs:BCPMCD.baseaddr
_F000:3C59 2E F6 06 48 71 01                 test    cs:BCPMCD.flags, 1                  ; Logical Compare
_F000:3C5F 74 34                             jz      short return                        ; Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
_F000:3C61 BA 98 03                          mov     dx, 398h
_F000:3C64                   setup_loop:                                                 ; CODE XREF: SIO_port_setup_SL+3Ej
_F000:3C64 EC                                in      al, dx
_F000:3C65 86 E0                             xchg    ah, al                              ; Exchange Register/Memory with Register
_F000:3C67 B0 05                             mov     al, 5
_F000:3C69 EE                                out     dx, al
_F000:3C6A F6 D0                             not     al                                  ; One's Complement Negation
_F000:3C6C E6 ED                             out     IODELAY_PORT, al
_F000:3C6E EC                                in      al, dx
_F000:3C6F 3C 05                             cmp     al, 5                               ; Compare Two Operands
_F000:3C71 86 E0                             xchg    ah, al                              ; Exchange Register/Memory with Register
_F000:3C73 EE                                out     dx, al
_F000:3C74 75 11                             jnz     short second_stage                  ; Jump if Not Zero (ZF=0)
_F000:3C76 86 E0                             xchg    ah, al                              ; Exchange Register/Memory with Register
_F000:3C78 B0 03                             mov     al, 3
_F000:3C7A EE                                out     dx, al
_F000:3C7B F6 D0                             not     al                                  ; One's Complement Negation
_F000:3C7D E6 ED                             out     IODELAY_PORT, al
_F000:3C7F EC                                in      al, dx
_F000:3C80 3C 03                             cmp     al, 3                               ; Compare Two Operands
_F000:3C82 86 E0                             xchg    ah, al                              ; Exchange Register/Memory with Register
_F000:3C84 EE                                out     dx, al
_F000:3C85 74 0E                             jz      short return                        ; Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
_F000:3C87                   second_stage:                                               ; CODE XREF: SIO_port_setup_SL+22j
_F000:3C87 81 FA 5C 01                       cmp     dx, 15Ch                            ; Compare Two Operands
_F000:3C8B 74 05                             jz      short set_default_0x2E              ; Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
_F000:3C8D BA 5C 01                          mov     dx, 15Ch
_F000:3C90 EB D2                             jmp     short setup_loop                    ; Jump
_F000:3C92                   ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:3C92                   set_default_0x2E:                                           ; CODE XREF: SIO_port_setup_SL+39j
_F000:3C92 BA 2E 00                          mov     dx, 2Eh ; '.'
_F000:3C95                   return:                                                     ; CODE XREF: SIO_port_setup_SL+Dj
_F000:3C95                                                                               ; SIO_port_setup_SL+33j
_F000:3C95 8B C1                             mov     ax, cx
_F000:3C97 FF E7                             jmp     di                                  ; Indirect Near Jump
_F000:3C97                   SIO_port_setup_SL endp
_F000:3C99                   ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
_F000:3C99                   ; Stack version
_F000:3C99                   SIO_port_setup_S proc near                                  ; CODE XREF: sub_F2B1Ap
_F000:3C99 52                                push    dx
_F000:3C9A 57                                push    di
_F000:3C9B BF A0 3C                          mov     di, offset return
_F000:3C9E EB B2                             jmp     short SIO_port_setup_SL             ; Stack Less version
_F000:3CA0                   ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:3CA0                   return:                                                     ; DATA XREF: SIO_port_setup_S+2o
_F000:3CA0 8B DA                             mov     bx, dx
_F000:3CA2 B9 02 00                          mov     cx, 2
_F000:3CA5 5F                                pop     di
_F000:3CA6 5A                                pop     dx
_F000:3CA7 C3                                retn                                        ; Return Near from Procedure
_F000:3CA7                   SIO_port_setup_S endp