I have Omnibook XE2-DB (PII-333Mhz, 128Mb, last BIOS), I get 1 extra SDRAM (TwinMOS, PC133 128Mb), but it is not working in may laptop. Is it problem in BIOS on just old hardware? I tried to patch BIOS with BIOSPatcher, but seem it doesn't work with AMI BIOSes, expecialy brand one.
I also would like to fit larger HDD. So is it good idea to try patch BIOS on this laptop?
P.S. I can read Russian, but cant write as I dont have Ru keybord, really sorry.
In most cases such a problem cannot be solved via BIOS modifying. But there is an other way. You have to find different (by vendor or by speed) RAM DIMM that should match Your notebook. You can obtain the list of proper memory types from the SUPPORT page of the OMNIBOOK's official site.
У вас прекрасные дети ! Но все, что вы делаете РУКАМИ - никуда, никуда не годится !
> In most cases such a problem cannot be solved via BIOS modifying
Тем более, что вряд ли там AMIBIOS!

И даже очень наверняка PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0, Copyright 1985-1998 Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
Открытая книга: icbook.com.ua
O, ye, not AMI, but Phoenix Technologies.
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