Chipset 440FX and cache initialization

Hi all! Please excuse my english. I am an spanish speaker and my russian would be much worse (none at all) (

I have an Elitegroup P6KFX-A motherboard. It is a slot 1 motherboard with a 440FX chipset and an Award 4.51 BIOS
The manual says it will use a PII Klamath CPU and nothing more.
I patched it with BIOS patcher 4.1 and tested it with a PII Deschutes CPU. It worked well except that the bios did not recognize the cache, so the speed was too low.

Is there a solution to this problem?

Thank you very much.

Enrique Baraibar

Tried pupdt606 (jan 4 2002, latest version, I think) and it didn't find anything to upgrade:(
Are the cache initialization routines in the processor microcode?

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