Budu balakati na ukrainski, bo deyaki polyaki rozumiyut` tsu movu.
faktycznie rozumiem, w koncu Polak Rosjan dwa bratanki
Den_of_Evil писал(-а):
"Why my duron reports 11x as a maximum multiplier even that only real available multipliers are 15-20x?"
Vam potribno z`ednati mostiki L5(1). Todi multiplier bude max=24x
Priydut` inshi druzi, napishut` po English
Dziekuje bardzo, oczien spasiba (? :P), thank you very much
:((( I used apple.rom great tool since 2003 and it was God send program.
DanZer писал(-а):
also for some strange reason I cant go >120MHz fsb with A7V133
Looks like you have troubles with PCI/AGP frequency dividers. If you set FSB to 133 - you have divider 4 for PCI and 2 for AGP, resulting in standard 33/66MHz. But at 120 you most probably have 1.5 and 3, giving 80MHz on AGP and 40MHz on PCI. That is beyond normal and may be not acceptable for devices like IDE controller or AGP cards.
and it looks like A7V133 specific problem does not like 15-16x multipliers, I will try with 17x, then with wire trick to pull individual multi bits Low
faktycznie rozumiem, w koncu Polak Rosjan dwa bratanki
Dziekuje bardzo, oczien spasiba (? :P), thank you very much
jeszcze raz zajrzalem na
i rzeczywiscie przeoczylem ten mostek. (ja niewidziel jego za pierwom razu)
:((( I used apple.rom great tool since 2003 and it was God send program.
ja wcziera naszol
and it looks like A7V133 specific problem
does not like 15-16x multipliers, I will try with 17x, then with wire trick to pull individual multi bits Low
thants for reply, I'l write how it went later.
Добавлено спустя 21 час 30 минут 29 секунд:
Currently running 108x20=2160MHz + 141MHz ram cl3 (poor ram chips)
SuperPI 1m11