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- Recitals... -
- Remaking of card / adapters -
- For support of FCPGA/FCPGA2-processors -

Part the third. Detailed. For those who not bad understands and wants to understand all subtleties.

Evolution Slot1-PPGA-FCPGA-FCPGA2.

To understand "radically" we shall look at a problem "globally" - we shall consider a way of development of P6-processors Slot1/PPGA/FCPGA/FCPGA2. Last from a ruler was FCPGA2 Pentium III-S Tualatin (L2=512kB, 1466MHz max)? Therefore all we shall compare to it since he, understandably, has the greatest quantity of the involved conclusions (i.e. in him is simply "Reserved" legs).
To not overload the given material unnecessary "statistics" (numerous identical to all processors signals), I shall result only those legs / signals which varied during development ruler of P6-processors:


It is a lot of touching various variants of a statement of the information has finally got confused, therefore simply "mechanically", under the order of following in the table, I shall stop on everyone.


Vtt - a voltage termination (AB36, AD36, AG1, AH20, AK16, AL13, AL21, AN11, AN15, E23, G35, G37, S33, X34, AA33, AA35, AN21, S37, U35, U37).
At once the most numerous group - signals Vtt is evident. For slotked processors of them only four therefore as further she (termination) is dissolved already on the cartridge of the processor. We shall stop in more detail on running terms - "termination", " a voltage of termination ".

As is known, bus GTL + (Gunning Transceiver Logic), however, as well as AGTL +/AGTL, as against the previous processors using for signals TTL-logic, is constructed basically on structures with an open drain (open drain) which for reduction of the reflected signals should be named on both ends of each alarm line. "Are named" - means are connected through the resistor to the certain high level (+1.5V for AGTL + and +1.25V for AGTL) which is the maximal value logic "1".

All signal inputs are differential and use a basic voltage (V_REF), equal 2/3 from Vtt. At a level smaller, than (V_REF-0.2V) the signal is perceived as "0", at a level the greater, than (V_REF+0.2V) - as "1". Dependence and "0" and "1" only from one value Vtt allows to get on safely to such bus on the different nucleus made on different technologies and, the main thing, having a various voltage of a power.

In case of uniprocessor system on one end of an signal line the chipset, on another - the processor settles down. Accordingly, one the resistor of termination should be located as it is possible closer to a chipset, another - to the processor.
In slotked processors they (resistors of termination) settle down on a cartridge.
In case Celeron-Mendocino - they should be or close PPGA-connector, or on adapter Slot1-> Socket370.

Since FCPGA-processors all termination has been integrated already inside of the processor (on die) and consequently demands only submission of voltage Vtt on corresponding contacts (see tab.).


VttPWRGD - VttPowerGood (AK4).

The signal has appeared in Tualatin. Because of similarity with "PowerGood" the some people it is accepted for " a voltage of termination signal PowerGood ", that, to put it mildly, it is far from true. In a reality all is essentially more difficult and easier simultaneously.

Why it is more difficult? It is difficult to understand why the signal everywhere marked as Input only at it in datasheet on all Tualatin has precise:

"The VTT_PWRGD signal informs the system that the VID/BSEL signals are in their correct logic state. During Power-up, the VID signals will be in a indeterminate state for a small period of time. The voltage regulator or the VRM should not sample and/or latch the VID signals until the VTT_PWRGD signal is asserted. The assertion of the VTT_PWRGD signal indicates the VID signals are stable and are driven to the final state by the processor. Refer to Figure 6 for power-up timing sequence for the VTT_PWRGD and the VID signals".

I.e. Signal Vtt_PWRGD speaks system that signals VID/BSEL are already exposed in the nominal status. Simply, as against Slot1/PPGA/FCPGA-processors, at Tualatin these legs (BSEL0/1, VID0-4) are not set "analog" (i.e. it is simple or "shorted" on the ground inside the processor for "0", or are left " Not Connected " for "1"), and cope the processor which exposes on them necessary "combination". It has been made, probably, counting upon an opportunity of program management by a voltage of a power and as, that is more probable:), complicating to us remaking of old motherboards under Tualatin (drawn for itself conclusions after similar process PPGA-> FCPGA).

From the description it is possible to draw a conclusion, that Vtt_PWRGD very much even "target", instead of "entrance". In fact even the same VRM it should, type "wait": "VRM should not... ...until the VTT_PWRGD...".

But we not begin to give in to this muffled and even to the inconsistent description - we shall look at description VttPWRGD from datasheet on VRM8.5. There with all severity it is said, that he (VttPWRGD) nevertheless "input" (for the processor), as "day off" for him (VRM-a):
"VTT_PWRGD is an active HIGH signal used to indicate to the processor and to the clock generator that the processor VTT plane is above the minimum specified level of 1.14V."

I.e. VTT_PWRGD informs the processor (and the generator, by the way) that voltage Vtt has achieved a minimum level of logic unit. (And legs of the name - " Power Good for Vtt " from here grow.)

All begins on the places if to take into account, signal VttPWRGD (as well as DYN_OE) is a part of a circuit for generation Vcc of the processor which works before start of the processor and this circuit DYN_OE-> VttPWRGD works, as soon as Vtt will achieve the minimal value. Logic "1" on DYN_OE allows to expose on VID/BSEL serves, actually (excuse for tautology) for his start. The necessary combination, and on VttPWRGD she ("1") should appear with a delay thanking VRM (instead of to the processor!). The delay (~1mS) is entered avoiding reading of combination VID/BSEL, while they in a "transitive" status. And reading VID/BSEL begins only after VttPWRGD becomes equal "1", i.e., as a matter of fact - with a banal delay 1mS which VRM generates " for itself " (instead of for the processor). For the processor "important" only presence "1" (on VttPWRGD), as acknowledging about stability Vtt (instead of mentioned in description VID/BSEL).

For specification as it is generated VttPWRGD, it is possible to look at the circuit:

It is visible, that "1" on him will appear only after stabilization of the basic voltage.

For visual performance when there is signal VttPWRGD:

The unsigned schedule (enemies - everywhere confuse;) - it is obvious levels VID/BSEL.

More shortly, the main conclusion - VttPWRGD has no any relation к PWRGOOD, therefore to connect them (AK4 and AK26) it is not necessary. Besides - it is impossible, for it is dangerous, since levels at them differ twice! VttPWRGD should be 1.25V, and PWRGOOD in old motherboards it is connected to 2.5V for this reason VttPWRGD it is necessary to connect with с Vtt. More precisely - it is possible "to connect" only in a case when in the same remaked jack it will not be stuck stuck "non Tualatin" the processor if it is supposed "universal" a socket - it is necessary to connect through 0.1-1kOm the resistor since in old processors this conclusion sits on the ground and can burn out in a case of the "direct" application to him Vtt.


DYN_OE - Dynamic Output Enable (AN3).

Сигнал появился в туалатинах. Как упомяналось чуть выше - разрешает установку уровней VID/BSEL. Никакой больше особой "нагрузки" не несёт и побольшому счёту, DYN_OE представляется собой лишь одну из нескольких банальных "защит от переделки" (или говоря официальным языком - "предотвращение установки туалатина в неподдерживающую его платформу";)

The signal has appeared in Tualatin. As mentioned hardly is higher - resolves installation of levels VID/BSEL. Special "loading" any more does not bear and DYN_OE it is represented only one of several banal " protection against remaking " (or speaking an official language - " prevention of installation Tualatin in a platform not supporting it ";)
Active level - logic "1" which appears on him at achieved Vtt level V_REF at once after inclusion even before submission Vcc. This signal, as well as VttPWRGD - part VRM8.5, transferred in the processor (therefore also works up to and for his start).

At remaking it is isolated. There is some lack at " simply isolation " (without factory Vtt - as for VttPRWGD). Initially a signal on the ground, therefore, certainly, we also isolate it, but what level of a voltage thus will appear on becoming "NotConnected" contact - depends on concrete mother and a concrete copy of the processor. Usually there appears "1" (through internal circuits), however I not time met, when, probably, "1" had an insufficient level therefore VID + BSEL remained in position 1/1/1/1/1 + 1/1. VID4 at remaking under Tualatin becomes isolated on the ground ("0") that gives us "on - default" - 0/1/1/1/1=1.3V and 1/1=133MHzFSB. Seldom what Tualatin start on the increased frequency at the underestimated voltage so be attentive and necessarily check - what voltage "exposes" the processor!

The decision of such problem can shorted "necessary" VID/BSEL on the ground be similar VID4. However here there can be already other problem - how to be spoken - " was ill from by what it was treated ". Having closed "compulsorily" on the ground, for example, 0/0/1/1/1=1.7V (for example, for overclocking) and then having established in the same motherboard other processor (even precisely same face value, but it is simple - another) - can be received not 1.7V, and 1.9V = 0/0/0/1/1. Simply that "will suffice" other copy "simiunity" on DYN_OE and he will fairly expose a "additional" zero on VID2. In addition I shall say, that, everything, such ("floating" levels VID/BSEL because of DYN_OE) happens not too often, but - happen. So be not lazy to use voltmeter before to fall asleep forums messages about next "glitching" to an adapter / motherboards, etc.

As the conclusion from this point - for alteration under Tualatin AN3 is subject to isolation with check of level Vcc. " True aesthetes " should apply effort and repeat a feat similar to leg VttPWRGD - isolation from the ground at submission on it Vtt.


Key - AM2.

The signal has ceased to be "ground" in Coppermine. Together with VttPWRGD/DYN_OE for Tualatin and AH4 for Coppermine, represents only one of " protection against remaking ". In Mednicino he (AM2) earthed, and in Coppermine there is banal have started RESET# which thus is not used in any way (i.e. motherboard he is not necessary). In any way, except for as "key" - whence and the name.

For remaking under Coppermine - it is banal it is isolated. In case of remaking PPGA under Tualatin, it is natural - too it (is isolated).

By the way, in CPU P3-S/Tualatin (L2-512kB) he (AM2) - already NotConnected, and on motherboards "special for him" (server dual-systems) AM2 - on "ground" that it was impossible to put "usual", "not server" P3-Tualatin. Simply song;)


BCLK#/CLK_REF - Bus Clock / Clock Referency Voltage (Y33).

In CPU Pentium III Coppermine was one interesting innovation concerning clocking of the processor - he could synchronized not only from one "unipolar" clock pulse BCLK, and also from his "doubled" analogue - pairs BCLK/BCLK#:

It has been made (" Differential Clock " instead of "Single-Ended") for improvement of stability (exception of cross handicapes - they mutual compensation at subtraction BCLK - BCLK#). That "kindness" of Intel which is expressed that the processor itself determines a way of clocking, by the way, is not absolutely clear, i.e. can use both kinds (and " Differential Clock " и "Single-Ended") synchronization (i.e. why made so much artful "protection", and it have not touched). At what this opportunity (auto detection such as synchronization) has remained even in Tualatin, what it is absolutely strange.

With the advent of processors on nucleus Tualatin the given signal many for some reason have interpreted as " basic difference " Tualatin - use of "double" synchronization, having forgotten even about that he already was in P3-Coppermine. For subject to this noxious influence (unfortunately - iXBT.com here was one of main "powdered":) I bring endurance{quotation} from datasheet:

I.e. the processor chooses type of synchronization proceeding from a signal on Y33. If there a constant voltage (should be 1.25V) synchronization - on forward front is used "usual" "Single-Ended". Otherwise - " Differential Clock ", i.e. pair BCLK/BCLK * is used. Naturally, on old chipsets is only BCLK, therefore Tualatin (P3-Coppermine) it will simply safely be switched in "Single-Ended" a mode and it will be completely quiet and correct to work.

In case of remaking under Tualatin initially only Coppermine support a motherboard (adapter) of anything with contact Y33 to do it is not necessary - there already should be 1.25V. In a case of remaking PPGA-> FCPGA2 (and even PPGA-> FCPGA) there can be following subtleties. In PPGA - Y33 on "ground", and " should be " - +1.25V. I.e. as though once again it is necessary to repeat the difficult operation similar VttPWRGD - to isolate from a socket, having submitted thus a voltage. However practice has shown, that in most cases the ground on Y33 instead of put +1.25 does not prevent to work completely safely to the processor (both P3-Coppermine and P3/Celeron-Tualatin). Why? - it is difficult to say, probably - " porridge butter ":) to spoil difficultly (high level BCLK in relation to CLK_REF). However, nevertheless - it is possible. Also it is noticed such, for some reason only basically on motherboards (Slot1) from Gigabyte and Abit, at what only in ATX-execution.

So, a short conclusion from this point: Y33 we let alone before final check (it is done other remakings). And only, if all other remakings are precisely correctly made (and as in a case Gigabyte-Abit origins of motherboard) - it it is necessary apply effort with Y33. Recommendations Intel concerning a divider on Y33 the following:

I.e. it is the easiest to take two 150 Ohm resistors and to get them on 2.5V (" true aesthete " can put also the condenser specified on the circuit;). However, even despite of the terrible warning " about inadmissibility of use Vtt in quality CLK_REF", in view of safe job in many cases and at earthed Y33 - without ceremony it is possible to try even such variant (to close Y33 on Vtt). But, nevertheless, certainly, urgently recommend though through any resistor (0.1-1kOm).

"To " true aesthetes ", I shall be repeated, I recommend to not experiment, and at once to get 1.25V on Y33 (and for remaking under Tualatin and for installation P3-Coppermine on remaked PPGA).


RttCTRL (S35).
(has appeared, since FCPGA).

Rtt Control - sets size of resistance internal resistors of termination. It is adjusted by shunting of leg S35 on the ground through the resistor. Than resistance of "shunt" less - that smaller resistance will have internal resistors of termination. For platforms with support Mendocino recommended Intel value - 110 Om, without support (i.e. it is not necessary "to be arranged" under not having internal termination processors) - 56 Om, just is so much, how much it is necessary for standard onboard termination.

From this it is possible to draw a conclusion, that the processor "reads out" size of resistance on leg S35 and expose same "at itself inside ". To what these reasonings? Yes it is simple from them follows, that if S35 will be "NotConnected" (as it takes place in PPGA) internal termination it will be switched - off in general and the processor will "use" only external - located on parent a motherboard / adapter. That to us, actually also it is necessary - on PPGA always is "external" termination, therefore the FCPGA/FCPGA2-processor for the lack of resistance on S35 will switch off internal termination and will work completely safely. Though, nobody forbids to true "aesthetes";) to hang up on S35 R~100-200 the Ohm (or 110 as recommends Intel).

In case FCPGA, S35 according to "recommendations" already hangs through 110 Om. In case of installation Tualatin here, understandably, already anything to touch it is not necessary (and as it was spoken above - not important).


SlewCTRL (E27).

(has appeared in FCPGA2).

Slew Control - adjusts a steepness of signals AGTL of the +/AGTL-bus. As well as RttCTRL it is "only input signal for the processor and as it is set by size of the resistor on the ground (on default - the same 110 Om).

Both for Tualatin and for Coppermine platforms Intel recommends identical value - 110 Om for the ground. Accordingly, for FCPGA-motherboards this signal it is ok. In PPGA this signal - "NotConnected". However already inside the processor he has resistance about ~300 Om (and, by the way, it same, as well as for RttCTRL). Therefore, probably, in case PPGA of it quite suffices - in any case of any changes (though somehow reflected at job of the processor in various modes) at change of value this parameter in a course of our experiments it has not been noticed. And numerous experience altered confirms it - SlewCTRL at remaking " it is possible to not take into account ". Though, besides, " true aesthetes " always can shorted it on the ground through 110 Om.

(p.s. Who owns more detailed information on this signal - I shall be mailto:bios@rom.by)



NchCTRL (N37).
(has appeared in FCPGA2).

N-channel Control. From datasheet:
The NCHCTRL input signal provides AGTL pull-down strength control. The Intel® Pentium® III processor with 512KB L2 Cache samples this input to determine the N-channel device strength for pull-down when it is the driving agent. This signal must be connected to a 14ohm resistor to VTT. Refer to the platform design guide for implementation detail and resistor tolerance.

One of artful and yet up to the end understandable to me signals. Proceeding from the name it is possible to assume, that he is intended for management current by loading of receivers of a signal and it is possible (necessary) to consider in pair with Slew Control. In this occasion I shall result some reasons from N-yagi PC ManiaX (which I too share). He assumes following conditional " the circuit of inclusion " signals RttCTRL/SlewCTRL/NchCTRL:

By the way, it is necessary to take into account "subtlety" of fine tunings with help SlewCTRL/NchCTRL - she will not be shown in any way in "usual" system, what not time has been tried (submission on them the grounds Vtt/Vcc did not allow any obvious changes). Therefore it is possible to assume influence of these adjustments only in the dispersed computers (or DUAL-systems) at what if the above-stated circuit is correct for the best stability SlewCTRL it is necessary to leave NotConnected, and NchCTRL to short-circuit "directly" (without the resistor) with Vtt. My personal experience and responses of some other skilled "experimenters" confirm it (SlewCTRL - NC, NchCTRL - to Vtt) practically.

And more it is possible to add, that leg N37 in the processor "is initially called" on Vtt through ~450 Om (only - in Tualatin, in Coppermine/Mednocino - no). Therefore, probably, even if to not apply any additional actions (since in PPGA/FCPGA she "NotConnected") it (450 Om to Vtt) quite suffices.

(p.s. Who owns more detailed information on this signal - I shall be mailto:bios@rom.by)


VID4 (VID 25mV в FCPGA2)

Initially (Slot1) the "five-specific" system of the task of a voltage of the processor has been accepted. Simply the first Pentium II had a power 2.8V though fast transition to a power 2V was assumed and is lower (i.e. the range 1.3-3.5V was "too wide for use only four VID). Since Pentium II Deshutes (Celeron Covigton) processors began to have Vcc 2V and is lower, for which task "sufficed" only four VID (grown-up VID4 should be always "0" - the ground). As a result of it VID4 in datasheet not mentinioned also passed with designation Vss - the "lifelong" ground.

However it is real on the majority of motherboards VID4 in a socket not grounded and went direct on the PWM-CONTROLLER, i.e. it was safely used, that allowed to expose a voltage 2.1V and is higher. (Therefore I everywhere "position" it as VID4, a specifying range of voltage: "0" - 1.3-2.05V, "1" - 2.1-3.5V).

With occurrence VRM8.5 (FCPGA2) to him gave function of a 0.25V-adding conclusion - in a case "1" on VID4 to a "standard" VRM8.4-voltage it is added 25mV (whence and the name). Therefore in case of remaking under Tualatin with Vcc=1.475V it is necessary to be cautious - 1.475V/VRM8.5=2.3V/VRM8.4 (see the table in the second part of article)! Therefore VID4 it is necessary to ground (though, do not experience - short-term submission 2.3V will not kill the processor, is checked repeatedly up;).


Detect (AF36).
(has appeared in FCPGA2).

If to believe datasheet - "cleanly" target signal. That, basically and logically enough - he is used "Tualatin" by chipsets (i815EPB/VIA694T) for determinine of what level to expose for Vtt - 1.25V or 1.5V. In non Tualatin processors this leg sits on the ground, and in Tualatin - Not Connected, that is simply caught with the help of a key in VRM8.5.

And now about why I have written " if to believe datasheet ". The matter is that mysterious influence AF36 on remaked under Tualatin adapters though it does not match in any way "sense" and " only day off " function of a leg was revealed. On idea, she (AF36) is necessary ONLY for a chipset (more precisely power unit - for identification 1.25V/1.5V Vtt). However in some rare cases of remaking PPGA-> FCPGA2 without its removal the processor to start refused (the truth, at downturn Vcc up to 1.3-1.4V it was for some reason started). In all cases known to me it there were adapters PPGA-> FCPGA2 and motherboards from Asus (such as P2-99). Therefore in case of such combination (and also - " for aesthetes ":) I can recommend to remove this leg - becomes exact not worse:) (though does not any make "in addition", if the processor was started).
p.s. see Part4 for some comments about this signal...


CPUPRES# (C37) - CPU Present - a signal of "presence" of the processor. It is used motherboard (together with signals from VID's) for definition, whether the processor (or it is special "terminator" for "dual" systems FCPGA/FCPGA2 at one processor) is inserted. In "usual" (i.e. "not - dual"), as a rule, it is not used absolutely.


Vcore_DET (E21).

Definition of a voltage of a nucleus.

Additional, "cleanly" target signal. It is used by some chipsets (for example, i815_A0-step - GMCH/SM_MAA9) for additional adjustment depending on processor Coppermine / non Coppermine. In case Mendocino, on him (E21) it turns out "1", Coppemine - "0". In Tualatin - it is not used any more. What that "influences" has not been noticed was not, though, besides, " true aesthetes " in a case Tualatin on i815A0 can grounded it in addition.


EDGCTRL (AG1) - "is "clean" PPGA's a input signal, proceeding from the description it is used for the task of a level target buffers (The EDGCTRL input adjusts the edge rate of AGTL+ output buffers and should be pulled up to VCCCORE with a 51±5% resistor. NOTE: This signal is NOT used on the FC-PGA package.)
There are some suspicions ("only" IMHO), that in FCPGA/FCPGA2 he "was divided" on SlewCTRL/NchCTRL.

(p.s. Who owns more detailed information on this signal - I shall be mailto:bios@rom.by)


BSEL1 (AJ31).

Bus Select - a choice of frequency of the system bus.

In processors with FSB 66MHz it was not used (sits on the ground), for a setting 100/133MHz on him should be "1".

FSB MHz - BSEL1/BSEL0: 66 - 0/0, 100 - 1/0, 133 - 1/1.


ThermDN/ThermDP (AL31/AH28).

The cathode and the anode built - in thermodiodes. It was not only in most "pioneer" Pentium II (Klamath - 233-333MHz). Allows to supervise temperature of a nucleus of the processor. However "absolute" accuracy of it is low (~ 7 degrees, therefore infinite reasonings in various forums"... At me has shown so much degrees, and at you? " - simply naive phrasemonger) and to take into account is possible only really exact "relative" changes.


Vref1, Vref2, Vref3, Vref4, Vref5, Vref6, Vref7 (VCMOS_REF).

Basic voltage for definition "0" / "1" on trunk AGTL. It is equaled 2/3 from Vtt.

In FCPGA2 Vref7 "began" VCMOS_REF REF and serves as a basic signal for definition "0" / "1" signals of a CMOS-level (non-AGTL). Simply in non Tualatin processors both V_CMOS and Vtt were identical (1.5V), and in Tualatin they (V_CMOS and Vtt) already, naturally, differ (1.25V and 1.5V).



BREQ0/BREQ1 - Bus Request.



A32, A33, A34, A35.

Four senior address lines - for ECC-correction. Are absent at all Celeron processors, except for Tualatin's.


AP1, AP2.

Address Parity - " paritet signals " - , Request Parity, Responce Parity.

Are absent at all Celeron's, except for Tualatin's.





Vcc_L2 - a voltage of a L2-cache. The reason of absence in S370 - L2-cache now it is built - in the processor.


Vcc_5 - voltage +5V. The reason of absence in S370 - it was necessary only for formation of signals on a cartridge of the Slot1-processor.


EMI - e same ground, only with claims for reduction of electromagnetic radiation (therefore settles down in regular intervals on all length Slot1).



DEP - Data ECC Protection.

ECC-signals, are used at the established ECC-memory, are absent at all Celeron's, except for Tualatin's.




FRCERR (B76) - FRC Error - exotic, it is extreme Slot1-"dual", a PentiumII-signal (in PentiumIII-Slot1 and Celeron-Slot1 - is absent). It was applied in systems of the extremely critical to integrity of the data where two processors are used as one, is more exact - pair: one master, another - slave and the second only supervises "correctness" of all operations. In general, something such as RAID in case of his use as "mirrors" - for greater reliability of preservation of the information or job with the data for the processor.



Шина Vtt.
Because of carry of all termination inside of the processor (FCPGA/FCPGA2) a plenty of "new" legs (Vtt) "was required". As a matter of fact - the new bus (topological) Vtt, except for already existing Vcc and Vss has appeared. However the most part of legs Vtt (everything, except for X34 and G37) in FCPGA/FCPGA2 is primary shorted in the processor, therefore obligatory distributing recommended Intel on all legs Vtt (as is - "bus") - "type" for more stable job. In PPGA only on one contact comes Vtt=1.5V - AD36 (V_1.5) - and then "creeps away" on all Vtt-legs in the processor (there is a conversation about remaked PPGA-> FCPGA/FCPGA2). Despite of the obvious contradiction with recommendations Intel (which the condition of supply Vtt to each leg on a motherboards recommends to observe strictly moreover and tracks wider), it does not reduce stability for such remaking - current Vtt is too small (no more ~2A) therefore such influence is minimal.

Well, and as always, to " true aesthetes ", not experiencing for the spoiled appearance of an adapter, nothing will prevent to throw manually crosspieces between Vtt-legs (beginning from AD36) in case of the remaked PPGA-adapter (on everything, I think, precisely superfluous - the pair - three quite will suffice).


Part 1. Part 2. Part 4.


Intel Core 2 processors
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