RAM module 256 MBit 8*32 support with bp-4_23.exe?


does the patcher add the 256 MBit 8*32 (single sided) RAM module support to the BIOS of an GA 6BXE? v. F3a
In case you know anything helpful please answer in german or english language.

Thanks a lot


GigaByte 6BXE, 1,3GHz Tualatin Celeron on manipulated FCPGA risercard, 512MB SDRAM

Аватар пользователя ivp

No, that's impossible - patcher can not create one more address line in chipset... roll

- Ситчик веселенький есть?..
- Приезжайте, обхохочетесь!..

Itґs a pity.

Thank you for reply.


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