Hi all.
Sorry, I can not write in your language, I hope you can help me.
I got P5LD2 motherboard revision 2.01. Latest bios.
I upgraded CPU to C2D E4500 and i got message: "Intel CPU uCode loading error, Press F1 to Resume"
I need new bios to recognize CPU or someone can modify bios to recognize E4500 CPU. Asus is very lazy in that.
There is a bios file: ftp.asus.com.tw/pub/ASUS/mb/socket775/P5LD2/LD2_1804.zip
Try to extract microcodes from another ASUS firmware and put them into yours with MMTOOL. Use only ASUS ones!
Maybe you'll need ACBROM for extracting CPU microcode. And read Wiki:Art_of_BIOS_flashing before flashing - just in case.
Good luck!
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I tried that, but no luck. I took microcode ftom P5LD2-SE, Mmtool says, that code is too long to write. I got no practice with that.
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Ok, I did that by myself. Working.
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