HP pavillion DV9000 (model DV9260NR)
Intel platforme with FW82801GBM south and GO7600
I have 2 notebooks with same mailfunction:
Mobo starts normaly, works fine until turning off. Then it`s dead on power on button. After hour or two, sometimes day or two, it starts again to turn on...
When there is no start I trie to give mobo stabilized +5 or +12V from external power source.Nothing is heating up. It`s evidently tipical mailfunction.
I hope someone solved this problem.

Honestly - do not understand.
You do not start after warm-up apparatus?
If so - then the typical failure of GF-G7600 - replacement.

Аватар пользователя Jega

It`s totaly dead. No reaction on power-on button. Then, after some time I push the power button and it starts.Works normaly until I turn of laptop.When I press power button again it don`t start at all. Dead as a brick.
You think that defect GO7600 can stop laptop to turn on at all from time to time? I dont mean Black screan. I mean not working at all.

If you have no reaction to the button, then 7600 is not being. See availability sgnalov PG from Shimov, and a permit from the MIO. Also interested in the presence of voltage on the switch button and the reaction on the button MIO.
P.S. Ув коллеги, если вы ЧТО-ТО правите в ответе, ПОТРУДИТЕСЬ пояснить, на основании ЧЕГО вы это правите.

Аватар пользователя Jega

The problem was with connector for flat cable on PS_ON panel. This panel have connector in which you put flat cable from mobo.When I measured voltages on other end of flat cable (on mobo connector) there was all OK.On other end of cable also OK. But, when you put cable into connector, no signal is passing thorough. I had to change that panel...

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