Тема актуальна, особенно с выпуском Athlon-ов в новой
упаковке со скрытыми мостиками. Было бы здорово, учитывая
цену на младшие модели XP и Barton, просто ставить их на
DUAL-AMD матери с пропатченным биосом и не делать никаких
модификаций процессоров.
Если кого эта тема заинтересовала (а для меня она очень актуальна),
предлагаю обсудить здесь. У меня пока мало опыта в этой области.
Следы термического повреждения есть? Обычно со стороны "брюшка"
Если есть, то хана. Если нет, сдавай по гарантии.
Hi, i'm dualathlon from www.ocforums.com.
I have a problem with my MSI K7D master L bios: it refuses to run in SMP mode if i drop 2 mobile chips on it. In order to use those chips in SMP, I must cut the 3rd bridge of L3 (mobile - desktop chip). But doing so is very dangerous because the bridge is very small. :oops: . Moreover, i'll lost the ability to dynamically change the multiplier on-the-fly.
But those guys who own Asus & Gigabyte mainboards can use 2 mobile chips. just fine
There is a guy over there (nick is emboss) trying to modify bios. He might be successful in modding but his modded bios haven't work yet. .
Would you please consider to fix this problem in a near future release of BIOS Patcher ?
Since i can't read Russian, i only understand partially of what you are saying (because i read through bable fish translation). Please forgive me if i say something impolite :oops:
I also know a little assembly, if you don't mind, would you please teach me some tricks to patch bios ?
The guru(s) of this site seems to be in long vacation. Or, maybe, this topic
is of no interest to him(them). Dont know. I dont think it is worth to spend alot of your personal time and efforts trying to hack the bios, unless you are already experienced bios hacker. Better, get more cash,
and buy Barton MP2800. It is not so pricy, has 1.6V default vcore and 2.13 default speed, and you dont need to do anything with it:)
Meanwhile, the only way to use Mobiles in K7D is to cut L5(2).
Could you please tell me who ? Is his nick: apple_rom ?
I think if they're no longer interesting modding bioses, i will beg them agree to give out (partial) their works to the public (hope so 8) )
I'm very poor but addict overclocking dual systems . I bought 35W mobile tbredb chips, 2 of them cost = 1 2800MP . I can reach 2.5G on air on them (single mode) and can reach 2.8G on water. But i get stuck at making them run in SMP if i don't cut the bridge.
I know , but at least i can learn some experiences.
Emboss reached the MP-disable point of mobile chips, he published source code, but he can't make modded bios stop complaining "Checksum error".
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