I don't speak Russian well, so please forgive me any faults I write below which are against the rules of this forum.
I have ATX power supply (100% good/checked - I have 3 other and the same problem occurs). My ATX power supply has "safety-switch" which can cut-off the power from the power-net 220V.
1.I connect Power supply to MB.
I suspect that there is overload somewhere and there is short-circuit probably on this MB.
Do You have any datasheet to this Asus motherboard or any similiar 440BX/ZX bases Baby AT motherboard??? Maybe You could suggest what to check on this motherboard to find the problem?
Thank You in advance for any help.
What is the video card?
It is possible South brige?
Либо нечему гореть, либо нечем поджечь!
Video Card is of course workable (tested on couple PIII MB I have) - old Good PCI S3 trio Virge DX I use as test graphic hardware.
How to check the southbridge (any cyccles,clock pins, etc.)?
Miszka Old Good PCI S3 trio, especialy if made in China, may/must cause problem. Try realy NORMAL video. I prefer Matrox Millenium PCI.
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Huh - what a "strong word". If S3 card is workable - my works perfect- it is the best valuable test card for hardware (100% compatible with every generation of PCI computers form P1 to P6 - verified by me, You can trust).
My problem was more trivial than it looked like. This MB immediately after connecting power to it, tests hardware itself below 1s (everything is powered on) After that it powers down and waits in "soft-off mode" for trigerring to work if everything is OK. This board has a couple of times more capacitors than any other "china-town" made ECS,ACORP,DFI. If the power supply is "too soft" like my "test - one PS" the board can't finish the first power-test procedure and retries it continuesly. The capacitors causes very low input resistance during power on and short circuit protection in my power supply treats it as overload and cut down power immediately, the board retries test procedure and so on. That was the reason of my problem. I connected it to better power supply (P4 like) and everything is now OK. My previous test Power Supply can power up only older P3 "china-town" made MB with lower count of capacitors.
This problem is solved and thread is closed.
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