Это я пропатчил старый БИОС, но он не

Это я пропатчил старый БИОС, но он не прошился (см. мой вопрос "Так что же происхлдит с файлом")
Так вот, попробовал еще раз с новым БИОСом, прошивается только со второго раза, причем с тем же файлом, т.е.:

Unlock Hyper-Trhreading Select for all CPUs
for skip this step press "s" or any another key for continue...s
3. New Koeffs Support : is not needed to be fixed.
4. 32Gb-problem : not found.
5. Some HDD detect-problem : not found.
6. "MB"/"GB" string search : is not needed to be fixed.
9. Error display Freq>999MHz : not found.
10.Error display Koefs>9.5x : not found.
11.New Stepping Support : is not needed to be fixed.
12.Tualatin L2-init error : not found.
13.New Freq in Setup open : not found.
for skip this step press "s" or any another key for continue...CBROM V2.07 (C)A
ard Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
[CPUCODE] ROM is releaseCBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding modul.tmp 16.1%

CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding start.tmp 87.5%
CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding cpucode.bin ... 87.7%
1.bin have not enough space for adding ROM. (Over 15D6h bytes)

if you can`t see all messages - choose 80x50 mode or run with ">report.txt".
(c)2002-2003 apple_rom, www.ROM.by
C:\bp>bp 1.bin/m – [набираю еще раз]
BIOS Patcher ver. 4.22.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!

Found 2Mbit BIOS (6.x)!

1. New CPU Support : not found.
2. P3-detect error : not found.
3. New Koeffs Support : not found.
4. 32Gb-problem : not found.
5. Some HDD detect-problem : not found.
6. "MB"/"GB" string search : is not needed to be fixed.
9. Error display Freq>999MHz : not found.
10.Error display Koefs>9.5x : not found.
11.New Stepping Support : is not needed to be fixed.
12.Tualatin L2-init error : not found.
13.New Freq in Setup open : not found.
for skip this step press "s" or any another key for continue...s

14.Set "Y" as default on exit: not found.

UDMA for "big"-HDD on UDMA33_only_MB fix: not found.

CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding modul.tmp 16.1%
CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding start.tmp 87.5%
CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding cpucode.bin ... 56.3%

if you can`t see all messages - choose 80x50 mode or run with ">report.txt".
(c)2002-2003 apple_rom, www.ROM.by

ВОПРОС??? Можно ли считать пропатчивание удачным, если сначала не хватило памяти, а при повторном запуске патчера вроде бы все ОК???
По другому не получается, только со второй попытки!!!