No, that s a feature...

ivp писал(-а):
Blaze007 писал(-а):
Is that the BP's bug?

No, that's a feature... wink
Really (as I know) the author of patcher made this option "in-half" by the serious ethical reason - I think, you can understand why...
And it is so for any BIOSes, not only for 4mbit...

Em......... I know ....Thank you ~~ :oops: :oops:

Do you have the "Modbin6" HACK verison? the software can edit"Original.tmp"file..I think you know it..
that's when Modbin6 run then have a file in it's folder... You know the Modbin6 runs only have a file"Original.bin" ,and can't edit&save it.. '

So I need a verion of modbin6 when it runs can have a file"Original.tmp" in it's folder...

oh, right... my msn is: . add me roll 8)